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Writer's picture: Dr. WildeDr. Wilde

Over the past few decades, a number of licensed medical practitioners working in oncology have discovered cancer is preceded by a specific emotional trauma, occurring approximately 2 years prior to the diagnosis of cancer. While some people can cope with emotional stressors, those susceptible to cancer appear to be highly vulnerable to life’s stresses and trauma, and feel unable to cope when life throws a curve-ball their way. These people have great difficulty with feelings  of conflict, stress, trauma and loss and are deeply frightened of negative events.  When faced with a highly stressful or traumatic event they have not anticipated, which inevitably happens, they react adversely and are unable to cope. They experience what Glen Russell of the Puna Wai Ora Clinic has deemed "Inescapable Shock" and are continuously affected by the experience. When faced with a major trauma, one feels unable to escape from the memory of the traumatic experience and painful emotions such as anger, hate, resentment and/or grief are continuously associated with the experience. Stress hormones and cortisol levels skyrocket and remain at high levels. High stress levels generally mean a person cannot sleep well, and this begins a cycle that feeds cancerous conditions. 

The chart above and text below is authored by Glen Russell, Puna Wai Ora Mind-Body Cancer Clinic in 2013.


Introduction to the Six Phases of Cancer

Phase 1:  Inescapable Shock / Psycho-Emotional Trauma Experienced

"Phase 1 occurs approximately 18-24 months prior to the diagnosis of cancer. This is where the individual with cancer experiences an Inescapable Shock or acute psycho-emotional trauma, affecting deep sleep and the production of melatonin within the body. Melatonin is necessary for inhibiting cancer cell growth and is the primary hormone responsible for regulating the immune system; in particular production of interleukin 2 (IL-2) which governs white blood cell immune activity and protects against microbial infection. Without enough melatonin due to prolonged psycho-emotional stress, cancer cells thrive. As discovered by Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer every cancer has a specific psycho-emotional cause; whereby a part of the emotional reflex centre in the brain is damaged as a result of the prolonged psycho-emotional trauma. And as each part of the emotional reflex centre in the brain controls and is connected to a different organ of the body, as this emotion centre breaks down experiencing necrosis, so does the organ it controls leading to cancer."

Phase 2:  Stress Depletes Adrenaline Breaking the Cell’s (Krebs) Citric Acid Cycle,

Causing the Cell to Ferment Rising Glucose Levels

"During phase 2, elevated stress hormone cortisol levels deplete all-important adrenaline (epinephrine) levels. There are limited reserves of adrenaline in the body and when an individual is under constant psycho-emotional stress these reserves are depleted quickly. While insulin is used to transport glucose into cells, it is adrenaline which is critical for cell respiration and for converting this glucose in the cell into ATP energy for the body and for healthy cell division [which occurs via the metabolic pathway known as Oxidative Phosphorylation and via the Krebs’ Citric Acid Cycle of the mitochondria of the cell]. Without adrenaline to stimulate the G-Protein to stimulate production of the GDP molecule [which is essential for mitochondrial cell respiration and glucose conversion] the cell’s Krebs’ Citric Acid Cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation metabolic pathway is broken and the cell is forced to ferment glucose instead as a means to obtain [smaller amounts of] ATP energy [via the process known as Glycolysis], which creates lactic acid in the cell and a low pH environment."

Phase 3:  Somatids Pleomorphise into Yeast-Like-Fungus to Ferment Excess Glucose

and Lactic Acid in Cells, Causing Cell Nucleus DNA Mutation & Cancer

"During phase 3, somatids (tiny microorganisms necessary for life) that live in our body pleomorphise [or change] into yeast-like-fungus to ferment excess glucose and lactic acid in cells. In a healthy person, somatids are limited to 3 stages in their life cycle – somatid, spore, double spore. However, in a highly acidic low pH lactic acid environment, somatids pleomorphise into a further 13 stages. These stages include viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus forms which ferment excess glucose and lactic acid in the cell. These fungal pathogenic forms then migrate to the cell nucleus to reproduce, releasing acidic waste products called “mycotoxins”, inhibiting cell DNA repair and inhibiting the all-important tumor suppressor genes. Without the tumor suppressor genes to regulate cell death (apoptosis) when the cell has mutated beyond repair, the cell lives on and ‘cell-growth regulating’ proto-oncogenes turn into oncogenes, causing normal cells to mutate into cancer cells."

Phase 4:  Depleted Adrenaline Depletes Dopamine and Tryptophan Levels

Resulting in Niacin Deficiency, Breaking (Krebs) Citric Acid Cycle

"During phase 4, depleted adrenaline (epinephrine) levels cause a depletion of dopamine in the brain. Adrenaline is made by dopamine, and as more and more dopamine is used up during stress, the amino-acid tryptophan creates serotonin to offset depressed mood. This subsequently results in a depletion of tryptophan which is needed to synthesize niacin/niacinamide (vitamin B3) for cell respiration. Niacin/niacinamide is converted by tryptophan into NAD coenzymes which are subsequently used by the Krebs’ Citric Acid Cycle in the mitochondria of the cell for glucose conversion, cell respiration and creation of ATP energy. Without tryptophan and niacin/niacinamide, the Krebs’ Citric Acid Cycle / Oxidative Phosphorylation metabolic pathway is broken."

Phase 5:  Depleted Adrenaline and High Stress Cortisol Leads to Vitamin C Deficiency,

Causing Cell Mitochondria DNA Mutation & Cancer

"During phase 5, depleted adrenaline (epinephrine) levels cause a depletion of ascorbic acid (vitamin c) in the adrenal glands. Ascorbic acid is the main ingredient used by dopamine to make noradrenaline (norepinephrine) which is then converted to adrenaline. During prolonged chronic stress more and more adrenaline is pumped out and then depleted, meaning more and more ascorbic acid is used up in the creation of adrenaline. During chronic stress the adrenal glands also release ascorbic acid into the body to diminish the stressful impact of adrenaline [and other stress hormones] on the heart and blood pressure systems. Ascorbic acid is essential for preventing cell DNA damage caused by “oxidative stress”, converting oxygen waste products ‘superoxide’ and ‘hydrogen peroxide’ into oxygen and water within the cell mitochondria during Oxidative Phosphorylation. The loss of ascorbic acid thereby increases cell mitochondrial DNA damage and cell mutation."

Phase 6:  Prolonged Stress Results in a Subconscious Wanting to Die,

Which Shuts Down the Immune System enabling Fungus & Cancer to Grow

"During phase 6, the immune system is shut down by a subconscious wanting to die, caused by elevated stress hormone cortisol levels depleting serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain that cause internal depression. An individual experiencing Inescapable Shock and prolonged chronic stress often feels tired of life and deep down wants out of the never-ending struggle and pain of life, sending subliminal messages to the immune system to shut down. This occurs at the subconscious level where the immune system receives orders to stop production of interleukin 2-producing T cells, B cells, natural killer cells, macrophages and neutrophils. Without immune system cells, viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus that have pleomorphised within cells continue to grow and newly created cancer cells continue to multiply."


The Decision To Live

"The decision to exit life occurs in stages for those later diagnosed with cancer. Prior to the formation of cancer in the body, the cancer personality experiences a psycho-emotional trauma usually occurring 2-3 years prior to cancer diagnosis. This is akin to the straw that breaks the camel’s back, for the cancer personality is usually already highly stressed before this event, and when faced with the trauma of this final inescapable psycho-emotional shock, the homeostasis (or balance) of the will to live versus the will to exit is tipped in balance in favor of the will to exit. This final event causes a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness, depleting serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, causing internal depression. The inner feeling of depression and hopelessness and unresolved psycho-emotional pain sponsors the subconscious wanting to exit life. When an individual makes a decision to exit life, subliminal thoughts are sent to the immune system to shut down and stop production of interleukin-2-producing T cells, B cells, natural killer cells, macrophages and neutrophils. Without immune system cells, viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus that have pleomorphised within cells continue to grow and newly created cancer cells continue to multiply. The news of cancer becomes a further inescapable shock and further evidence that life is too hard, too overwhelming and too painful and in many cases reinforces the already existing subconscious wanting to die, resulting in metastasis.

"The best thing about cancer is that it shouts loudest of all: wake up!  What ‘life’ means to an individual at one time can be different from the next time. Connect with who you are at that time and give yourself what it is you need. Recognize though, that if you have opened the mechanism to exit, you have not been giving yourself what you need for a sustained time.

"Living in its fullest extent is the enfoldment of self into the physical environment. This can happen through enjoyment, but most importantly this can happen through connection to everything in life. It means switching off autopilot. Hear your alarm; if you don’t like it choose another one. If you hate it, go to bed earlier so you can wake without one. It is about engaging with everything that is before you and assessing: Do I really want this in my life? Similarly, be aware of everything you choose to expose yourself to. You are a sensory being. You have your five senses. Yet many people expose themselves to sensory material that is fashionable rather than allows the spirit to unfold and enjoy itself in. There was once a movement, backed by us for obvious reasons that encouraged the enfoldment of spirit through 'love', 'beauty' and 'truth'. It is time for this again."


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